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Basics of how to write - continued

Basics of how to write : Definition 
So that "definition" thing…

is that something that
defines the form of things?
Yeah, it's something like that.
I'd say it defines the
details of the process

Here, you would say that it's
defining the main function.

In future, there'll be various
situations where you will be
defining, so try and understand it,
at least somewhat.
  Don't trouble
yourself too much.

Just somewhat is fine.


Basics of how to write : Block
A block defines the valid range
of a process.
The range is defined by the
brackets "{ }".

They're similar to the
" "(quotation marks) that are
used in English sentences.

The process this time is basically
like saying
make it show 'hello world' in the
standard output."

We also saw this with the
main function.
By writing within the block in the
main function, it ends up being
written within the main function.

This form of having blocks within
blocks will be used more and more
in future.
Wow, so you can also
write brackets within

Source File Structure:(Package statement,Comment,Main function,Class)

So, let's review the "source file structure".

With KNMain.java,
you understand that the main function block
is within the class block, right?

In other words, this main function
is defined by the KNMain class.

* Class
* Function (Method)
* Statements like if and when statements

The block is used by important things like
these,and we will be studying them in future.
In future sessions we will be looking at
various was of using them.



Hey, NAPO-chan…

After we've studied the
source file
will we then be studying the
soy sauce file?



it was just a joke!

Ahh ahhh!
  Huh, guess
I was wrong…

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