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Java's API

Next, let's take a quick look at
Java's functions

Java has
many useful functions
set up as standard class library.
You can do many things by using this
without making anything yourself.

It is actually called
API(Application Program Interface)
it means almost the same as library,
just from different view point.

There are many cases like this with
(and in the real world as well?)

For your reference, let's take a look at
"just small part" of API which is
frequently used.



Part of Java's API
API Contents
java.applet Processing with applet
java.awt Processing with graphics
java.io Processing with input/output for files
java.lang Basic processing
java.net Processing with network
java.security Processing with security
java.util Processing with many useful things
javax.crypto Processing with code
javax.swing Processing with screen component such as window
In program, it is called "processing" to run and get the result.
Here, you could read as processing = function.(japanese only?)
Is that it?
Not many, huh.

Don't scare me.
This is just like an index.
There are many processing inside,
 you see.

For java.net,
there are many processing with
something like that.

With this table alone,
there are millions of functions which
could make you feel dizzy.

You want to have a closer look?

Easy one would be…

For example, Java.lang.Math
deals with basic calculation,
and look at "Method Overview"
in online API document.

See how many calculation methods
 are written?
You can calculate easily by using this.
    Let's see
Online API document Page for explanation of Java.lang.Math
(※ This is Oracle's page)

Oh my Gosh…

There are
so many…
this document shows
the overview.

They are shown as layers, so
as you click
you can see all of
Java's standard equipment.
Online API document Page for overview-summary
(※ This is Oracle's page)

Oh no!!!
there are so many
English here, too.
When I click,
there are more strange

Oh, my Gosh,
they are like magic words.

I don't understand,
I am in the darkness…

Ha ha,
I am sorry.

I just wanted to show you
that there are many functions.

We are going to use this function
to create a game in the future.

Once you get used to it,
you will be able to understand.
We will take a look step by step

I can't remember
stuff like this.
Was that a
bit too much?
Don't worry,
you don’t have to remember.

When you need,
you just need to look up the part
you want to know.
Like dictionary, you know?

it is difficult to know what is where
because there are so many of them,

If you used integrated
development environment

that I explain next,
it makes your life a lot easier, so
you don’t need to stress too much.

Oh I see

don't scare
me buddy!
  That was
real quick…

All right,that's us today.

We are going to create
development environment
next time.

It is all happening now.

Thank you very much.
See you again at the
next lesson.

Runtime is necessary to operate Java program
Runtime soft designed for Java called JRE is needed to run the soft created by Java.
It needs to be installed in the computer that runs.

Java can be operated with many environments once created
The soft made with Java can be operated in many environments once created,
thanks to the function of byte code and runtime.
There is no need to create for Windows or Mac separately.

When a game is delivered, it can be adapted to many environments with the same program, it can be played by many people.
Java has many functions
There are many useful processing (functions) already prepared in Java.

There are many functions that require expert knowledge to create such as encryption processing,
so you don't need to create by yourself.
You can use this to create a game smoothly.

We are going to use them later to create a game.
Terms for today
Extension Runtime
Byte code API
We are going to introduce Java later on the regular basis.
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