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Let's look at development languages - continued

There are all sorts of
free Integrated Development Environments (IDEs),
but the following two are particularly well-known.

- Eclipse
- NetBeans

Both support network updates, so
you can easily add functions via the internet.
And both can be used for free.

I don't mind
being unclean.
What's wrong?
IBM donated their company's Java products to the community.
They were converted to open source, so that anyone can
obtain them and develop them for free.

- Fast operation through use of a tool kit with proprietary specifications
- A powerful plugin feature where various features can be added
- Powerful code tracking and completion features

It is not limited just to Java development environments, but also supports various development environments such as C++ and PHP through the use of the plugin feature.

Although it can be used for anything, the basic set of features is limited,
and there are many situations where you have to add or adjust plugins yourself.
You also have to add features for web development yourself, so it has somewhat difficult aspects.
Currently, the required features for the basic set have been incorporated and reduced.
Sun Microsystems, the developer of Java, donated their company's products
to the community. They were converted to open source,
so that anyone can obtain them and develop them for free.

- All-in-one specifications with many things included from the start
- Powerful GUI application creation features
- Fast support for the latest versions of Java

When first developed, it had slow performance,
and its features were lacking, so it fell short of Eclipse,
but currently it is considered to be on par with Eclipse,
as it has fast performance and powerful GUI creation features.

It has all-in-one specifications which include
a variety of features from the start,
meaning you almost never have to add things yourself.

  GUI and CUI

I have a question!

What's that GUI thing
written in the details?
Well, that
has to do with the methods for
input and processing…

The G in GUI is the G from 'graphical'.
In other words, it refers to a
method of processing using the
 mouse and the screen

Things like pressing buttons on the screen,
or opening windows…
Most current software uses this method.

On the other hand, the method of
processing commands entered via
the keyboard without using the
mouse is called CUI
The C in CUI is the C from 'command line'.

This is a method that was often used
with computers in the past.

Input and processing methods
Type Explanation
(Graphical User Interface)
A graphical user interface.

In other words, a method for input and processing
that uses the screen with a
mouse, etc.

It can be processed intuitively.
Most current applications use this method.
User Interface
Command Line
User Interface)
A user interface for the command line.

In other words, a method for processing commands
that are input via the keyboard without using the mouse.

It cannot be used if you don't know the commands.
It is often used when the screen is not being
operated by a person, such as with automated
processing of the OS via programs.
For example, when you copy a file,
with a GUI, you click 'copy' from the menu and it's done,
but with a CUI, you can't copy without various input
to the command prompt via the keyboard,
such as 'cp copy-location file-name copy-destination'.

You might say, well then, is CUI lacking?
But that's not the case.

The 'OS command prompt' mentioned before is a

and this can operate the OS by using it via the program.

For example,
you can carry out processing such as automatically copy
a file as a backup when the computer starts up'.

If it's automated, then you don't need screens or

In other words,
you need the right tool for the right job.

When you're creating programs in the future
I think you'll understand how to use both types.


Which Integrated
will we use?
It's difficult to say which is better, but…

This time we'll use NetBeans.

The reasons for this are:
*  It is all-in-one, so almost all the things
needed for development are included.
* Its application creation features are strong.
( GUI application creation features)
* It has an online update feature.

I'm focusing on its GUI application
creation feature, and the fact that
it supports Java 6.


Is that so…
I've just explained about GUI, right?

The powerful GUI application creation feature in NetBeans
is a feature that creates software with display screens.

NetBeans is fully equipped with a feature to create
software with display screens.

Until now, Integrated Development Environments for
Java have been lacking in this area,
but things will get easier from here on.

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